Once again the Library is abuzz, filled with the sense of excitement, anxiety and anticipation that accompanies the beginning of each new semester. Whether you are a newly enrolled or returning student, I would like to wish all of you a warm welcome.
I would like to highlight a number of new and exciting changes which we hope will enhance your experience on your journey at Al-Khawarizmi Library.
Once again the Library is abuzz, filled with the sense of excitement, anxiety and anticipation that accompanies the beginning of each new semester. Whether you are a newly enrolled or returning student, I would like to wish all of you a warm welcome.
I would like to highlight a number of new and exciting changes which we hope will enhance your experience on your journey at Al-Khawarizmi Library.
In 2015, the Library remained the most popular space on campus. With almost 95,000 entries, the Library was often over-crowded, noisy and offering a less than ideal learning environment. Feedback from the Library User Satisfaction Survey confirmed the need to address the above areas of concern and to improve the student experience. While the Library may need to be accommodated in a new building in the future, the campus recognised the urgency to expand the Library in the meantime.
Previous year, the Library embarked on a new space area called Quiet Study Area that offers 45 seats for individual study. We are also provided more display shelves for new arrival books in front of the circulation counter for easy retrieval. The Library staff will continue to patrol the Quiet Study Area during peak times in an effort to provide an environment conducive to quiet study and individual learning. For small group discussions, you can use one of the Discussion Rooms.
We have consolidated all lending transactions, general assistance and basic reference queries to the “Ask Here” desk located at the Circulation Counter of the Library. Do not hesitate to stop by the Counter to ask for assistance or learn about the Library’s collections, e-resources and services!
In year 2015, we are officially using Koha - Library Integrated Open Software for library collection management. Patrons are now can access for the library collection via WebOPAC in anytime at anywhere with any devices. Patrons also can login to the personal account to know their circulation history, search history, fines, message from the library and many more. The library also upgraded the circulation notification system where borrower will be notified via email regarding their books lending, due date and overdue reminder. So, please check your registered email address at the circulation counter or just call us at ext: 663
In year 2016, the library will work on the new look of the library. The old circulation counter will be replaced by a freshly designed counter that will soon provide a user-friendly services. The Discussion Room will be upgraded and a Research Corner will be designed next to one of the discussion room. The library also in a progress of Special Collection development which provides a collection of primary course references, company annual report, project paper, thesis, KUPTM publication, past year examination paper and many more. We are also have Online Database such as Ebooks, Ejournal, Lawnet and Epaper.
Once again, I am extending my best wishes for the semester ahead.
Librarian UPTM